Baby it's Cold Outside...Let's Have a $1 SALE!

Baby it’s cold outside…it’s the perfect time for a $1 sale!  Some of my Indiana blogger friends and myself have put over 100 items on sale for just $1, so go grab a good deal! J

Here is what I have on sale...

January Daily Quick Writes
This daily quick write pack can be used as morning work or a writing workshop or daily 5 warm-up. The idea behind the quick write is to focus more on the quality of the writing, instead of the quantity. A quick write prompt should only take 5-10 minutes.

Groundhog Day Activities
These activities are perfect for the days leading up to Groundhog Day!

What's Included:
- Mini-Book & Comprehension Check
- Graphing Activity
- Writing Prompt & Craftivity
- Word Search
- Groundhog Day Sticker or Necklace Printout

Spelling Patterns {Mini-Posters}
I use the spelling skills mini-posters to introduce a spelling skill. After introducing the skill, I hang the posters for my kiddos to reference in the future. Each skill has a matching clip-art image to help refresh your kiddos memory! 63 spelling patterns are included!

Reading Response Cubes

These Reading Response cubes are a fun twist to answering reading comprehension questions. You can give your kiddos a fiction, non-fiction or create your own cube!


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Winter Break in a Snap

Well folks, it was back to school for me today.  I had a wonderful break with my family and even made a trip to the warm weather.  It was...heavenly!

With it being the first day back after winter break the first thing we did this morning was reflect on our break.  As you know every.single.child wants to tell me ALL about their break at the same time.  I tell the kids to keep it as a surprise and after we are done with the reflection that get to all share what they did.  What?  A surprise?!  Make a big deal about it…it works! J  

Here is the winter break reflection that we did today. You can have your kiddos draw, write or use it as a pre-writing activity.  You can grab it for free here in my tpt store. 

One of our mini-lessons today was on homonyms.  Brainpopjr has an awesome video to introduce it and we did a picture sort as a whole group activity. 

 I like to introduce a lesson with a short mini-lesson and whole group activity, then continue to work on the same skill throughout the week.  You can grab the quick sort here

We have a snow storm forecasted for fingers are crossed for a delay tomorrow. :)  Anyone else getting snow?

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